Helping Your 7-year-old Learn Balance and Coordination with Remote Control Cars

How can Remote Control Car Toys Help in My Child’s Balance and Coordination?

Balance and coordination help your kid to focus their attention on one task. This one task is moving themselves and their hands and feet in a controlled manner. RC cars and RC trucks are especially interesting to kids of young ages. 

We strongly believe that you can make your kid excited about learning balance in a few simple ways. You can include their favorite remote control cars & trucks into exercises and look! They’re interested! 

What is Balance and Coordination?

Balance is the function of our bodies that allows us to control our body movements while we try to perform any task. It can be a task that doesn’t require much movement or a task where you need to move a lot. 

How do I Know If My Kid Has Balance Issues?

Here’s a list of things that you can easily notice about your kid.

  1. Your kid keeps on falling down.
  2. Cannot play games. 
  3. Their performance in games is poor because of movement issues.
  4. Their movement is a little rigid. 
  5. It takes them time to work out many physical activities. 
  6. They cannot sit properly, keep on moving and stay distracted. 
  7. Get tired easily. 
  8. They have no awareness of personal space or understanding about when to stop pushing. 
  9. They stay away from any activity that requires them to move. 

Remote Control Cars and Trucks to the Rescue!

Let’s look at some fun activities that you can do with your kid and their favorite RC toys.

Driving the Remote Control Toy Car Along an Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are super fun no matter the age. But you know what they need from your kid? They require absolute attention and excellent hand-eye coordination to move the remote control truck or car in the right direction. An obstacle course with an RC monster truck is a fun activity where your child will learn and still have fun.

Gesture Control RC Car and Your Kid’s Hand Movements

A good gesture RC car will help your kid practice hand motions to get their remote control and remote car moving. Gesture-control cars move when the remote control moves. You can use this car to help your kid exercise hand motions, understand the directional difference, and grow aware of the functions of their dominant hand and the free hand. 

Music and Freeze Play With Your RC Toy

Balancing needs to be present when kids are moving and when they are supposed to stay still. A fun way to learn this balancing act is via the freeze game. Make a maze in an open space, you can draw it with chalk on the floor or use paper tape to make one. Ask your little one to follow the moving remote control car as it moves with the music and to stop whenever the music stops. 

Rolling and Catching the RC Cars For Hand Coordination

This activity is pretty simple. You and your kid sit on the floor on opposing spots. Next, you move your RC model car towards your little one to catch. Your kid needs to just use their hand to stop the fast-moving car. They don’t need to get up from their place. This game helps with hand-eye coordination, longer attention, and focus, learning dominant hand use, awareness of the body, and self-regulation.

Rolling Up Your Remote Control Car on a Mountain

A monster truck with remote control is the perfect mountain climbing partner for this little excursion. The uneven walking surface of a mountain is the perfect place to learn balance. You can ask your kid to take out their monster truck or RC car for an off-roading experience and they’ll happily agree to go along. Your kid is going to learn how to work in a different environment, become aware of their body movement and their muscular strength will improve too. 

Taking a Walk Outside With Your Kid & Their Car

Go out and walk with your kid. Let them take out their RC excavator or RC monster truck or RC car. This will make your kid multitask like nothing else. Your kid’s attention span will grow and they will learn how to focus on a given task. They will also grow emotionally with the experience of spending time (bonding) outside with you.

Go Check Out Gili Toys’ Website to Find Out Amazing Remote Control Car Options

We are serious! Gili Toys has some good RC cars for sale. All those cars available at the RC car shop are great but we’re just saying that our remote trucks and cars are just a smidge better. Our RC truck & remote control cars run on non-interrupting frequencies that allow you to do many fun activities with your kid.

If you’re looking for STEM learning in remote control car toys, you can check out our building toy cars with remote control to know your options. We have some amazing and well-designed options that are bound to leave your kid in awe.